
Precision Converting offers a streamlined process for your kitting and assembly needs. With our full-scale custom kitting services, you can eliminate multiple SKUs with conversion to one SKU and one vendor, making packaging efficient and cost-effective. In addition, your orders are fulfilled faster and shipped with the lowest shipping prices.

Precision Converting meets speed-to-market objectives through facilities in Houston, Texas; Corona, California; Sarasota, Florida; and Tijuana, Mexico. And as a 3M Preferred Converter, Precision Converting can help you enhance your production process and reduce costs.

Put your kitting operation in our hands, contact Precision Converting today!

Examples of what we offer:

Kitting Capabilities: Large-Volume Kitting, Short-Notice Kitting, Kaban Inventory Management Solutions, Assembly Services, Material Management

What do you get from Precision Converting assembly services?

Optimized inventory levels and work space
Minimized handling and shipping costs
Continual access to a reliable kitting crew
Reduced lead times
Increased revenue
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